vendredi 23 décembre 2022

The M109 in 1/87 - English Version

The M 109 in 1/87
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Here are 2 models at 1/87:

Brand: ARSENAL M    Scale: 1/87   Reference: 91381

Brand: Herpa    Scale: 1/87    Reference: 740 524


  The original version of M-109 is equipped with a 155 mm M126 gun, while the maximum range of the weapon is 14,600 m.
Followed in the early 1970s, the advent of the improved version of the M-109A1, which was just an M-109 equipped with a barrel type M185, an improved mechanism of lifting and rotation and reinforced suspension system.
In 1978, it entered a production version of the M-109A2, which are the main differences from the previous version dealing with the redefinition of the AVC, improved system to the rear, redesigned windows and safety mechanisms, improved hydraulic system.
  The main changes relate to the CBN (Chimical, Bacteriologic, Nuclear) protection system integration, and improve reliability and serviceability (RAM). Some of these improvements concern the rotation mechanism either of the tower, the CBN protection equipment
Finally, the M-109A5 is currently available as a vehicle for new builds or upgrades of older versions. It incorporates the collection growth range (RC / MAS) that allows the use of propellant charges M203A1, allowing the maximum range reaches 30 km. 
The vehicle is driven by a new engine (440 hp instead of 405 hp), with a small thermal footprint, coupled with the improved transmission system and provides more power in weather conditions all thanks to a higher torque and more efficient cooling or heat elimination. 

The M992 that serves the M 109 to replenish


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