vendredi 9 août 2024

The PVP in 1/87 - English Version

The PVP in 1/87
of the GASO.LINE Brand

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Voici les PVP au 1/87 de la marque GASO.LINE

Model: PVP Panhard ARQUUS
Echelle: 1/87 
- Version Française -
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The PVP  is a liaison vehicle used by the French army to carry out various surveillance, patrol and escort missions on dangerous overseas operations.

Made by PANHARD ARQUUS, it can be air- and helicopter-transported, as well as projected by sea with a BPC.

The cabin is armored against ballistic and IED attacks. It can carry up to 5 people.

Based on a 4X4 chassis, this vehicle is suitable for all types of terrain. Weighing over 4 tonnes, it has a range of over 800 kms. 
It was developed in 2001 to replace the P4 car in conflict zones where French troops are deployed.

France has more than 1,100 units. Some countries, such as Romania, Senegal and Togo, are also equipped with them.

It can be fitted with an anti-RPG system, thanks to its grids.

The French Army loaned 8 of these PVPs to the French Gendarmerie during a peacekeeping operation in Georgia in 2009.

They were used to provide security for the French Gendarmes and observers present, against the risk of gunfire or explosions.

 To protect its police intervention units, France has also equipped its RAID units with this vehicle, enabling them to intervene as close as possible to terrorist attacks.
- Version Française -
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This vehicle can also exfiltrate the seriously injured
as here, during the March 2017 exercise in PAU, and is integrated into the protection of casualty extraction corridors:


The Paris BRI had this vehicle on test during EURO 2016

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Videos of PVP:

 Discover also on "MEDEVAC 1/87"
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 - Collection "Short Stories in 1/87" -

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and the Seasons of MEDEVAC 1/87

in English Version




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----- in French Version -----
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