jeudi 5 septembre 2024

The ROLAND II anti-aircraft system at 1/87 - English Version


The ROLAND II anti-aircraft system at 1/87
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A MAN 6X6 Flakrakrad
with ROLAND II system

Brand: Herpa      Scale: 1/87       Reference: 740692
with ROLAND II system

Scenes of a ROLAND missile firing in 1/87 scale
on a MAN 6X6

Staging of a 1/87 ROLAND missile shot
on a MARDER 1A3
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MARDER 1A3 with ROLAND II missiles
Brand: ROCO Minitanks      Scale: 1/87     Reference: 476

The Franco-German designed "ROLAND II" system, mounted on MAN 8X8 or 6X6 trucks served as an air defense system from 1980 until 2005 in Germany and from 1977 until 2008 in France.
 More than 27,000 missiles were produced between 1978 and 1990, and various systems were designed to use them, as shown here with this air-transportable CAROL fire management prototypes.
 The "ROLAND" missile mounted on these trucks was used to protect installations against air attack.
This missile could target within an 18-kilometer radius, chase a flying machine over 8 kilometers, hit targets at altitudes ranging from 20 meters to 5,500 meters, and fly at speeds of up to 1,500 kph
The truck housed the "ROLAND II" command post, as well as storage for other "ROLAND" missiles. 

It could also be air-transported for German rapid reaction forces.

ROLAND missile test firing in the USA in 1984 on an M809 truck
  The USA also bought this anti-aircraft system and used it from 1978 to 1988. 
 Spanish AMX30 ROLAND
Spain, which owned 18 AMX30 ROLANDs, retired them from active service in 2015.
 Presentation of a Slovenian ROLAND II battery in January 2011
Slovenia had bought German surpluses in October 2001 with 151 ROLAND missiles. These were destroyed in 2016, but Slovenia retained the radar vehicles used for the ROLAND II system...
   The automatic refuelling of the missiles can be seen in this video:

The German Army had also mounted it on MARDER 1A3 tanks.

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The French Army equipped 183 AMX 30s with this anti-aircraft system, as well as 17 CAROL air-transportable cabins.
ROLAND II system videos

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