jeudi 5 septembre 2024

MEDEVAC 2 - Special Edition : Supply - English Version


MEDEVAC 2 - Special Edition
- Supply -
- English Version -

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This story is fiction. 

Character names and facts are fictitious.
Any resemblance to real people or situations is purely coincidental.

May 2016, on a road in northern Mali.

Sergeant Kurk ATALANTE : « Here's the convoy we've been waiting for… »

Soldier : «  Right ! Right! »

Soldier : « Right! Right! »

Teniente N’BOMA, Malian Army officer: « There are a lot of trucks... »

Sargento Kurk ATALANTE : « Yes, this convoy must be going to the German camp of "Türen der Wüste"  (>>> Click Here <<< )»

Sargento Kurk ATALANTE : « They made a detour to refuel here at our temporary service station. »

Sargento Kurk ATALANTE : « Hello Lieutenant. This is Lieutenant N'BOMA, from FAMA, the Malian Armed Forces.» 

Teniente Stanislas  CITIZEN’S: « Good morning. We're starting refuelling… » 

Teniente N’BOMA: « You were out of gas? »

Teniente Stanislas  CITIZEN’S: « We still had at least 200 kilometers of range, but I'd rather we had a safety margin... »

Teniente Stanislas  CITIZEN’S: « In the desert, having this type of service station allows us to cross this place without difficulty... »

Sargento Kurk ATALANTE : « We'll be finished filling your entire convoy within 40 minutes...»

30 minutes later

Sargento Kurk ATALANTE : « A short break is in order for you and your men. We have drinks in the fridge... »

Teniente Stanislas  CITIZEN’S: « Thank you. This will refresh us before we set off again... »

Sargento Kurk ATALANTE : « Only two vehicles left... »

Sargento Kurk ATALANTE : « Will you be leaving right away? »

Teniente Stanislas  CITIZEN’S: « Yes. I don't want to drive at night. Too risky… »

20 minutes later... 

Teniente Stanislas  CITIZEN’S: « Get ready. We're heading back to base! »

Teniente Stanislas  CITIZEN’S: « They're waiting for us with our supplies... »

Sargento Kurk ATALANTE : « Have a nice trip! »

Teniente Stanislas  CITIZEN’S: « Thank you, and see you soon... »

Teniente N’BOMA: « Here they go... »

Sargento Kurk ATALANTE : « Yes, this type of temporary installation allows us to make rapid progress with our logistics at our various bases … »



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and the Seasons of MEDEVAC 1/87

in English Version




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