jeudi 5 septembre 2024

MEDEVAC 2 special edition: Wiesel - English Version


MEDEVAC 2 special edition
- Wiesel -

- English Version -

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This story is fiction. 
Character names and facts are fictitious.
Any resemblance to real people or situations is purely coincidental.

Adrar of Ifoghas, 10:03 a.m.

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « Secure the premises! »

Sergaeant Kurk ATALANTE : « It's okay, Lieutenant, we've secured the area!»

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « Very good. We're going to drop off the Wiesel! »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « These little tanks are going to be very handy for moving around these parts, and we'll have immediate firepower so we can strike back !!! »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « With these 4 machines, we'll also be able to drop our bags, weapons and water... »

Sergeant Kurk ATALANTE : « Will they have enough range to get around here ? »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « Yes, they have almost 200 kilometers of range. This will make our 3-day patrol easier. »

A few moments later
Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « Let's go ! »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « Let's go ! »

The next morning, 08:52 a.m.

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « Be careful ! »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « ATALANTE, protection on the right ! »

Sergeant Kurk ATALANTE : « It's too quiet... »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « Let's stay on our guard. I've already been through this a few weeks ago and this is where I was hit. (Season 2 - Episode 15 Link by clicking here) »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « Take cover ! »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « Did anyone see where that shot came from ? »

Sergeant Kurk ATALANTE : « In front, but not precisely... »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « OK, the little mound up ahead! Fire at will !»

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « Go ahead ! »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « Keep going ! Fire a missile ! »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « CEASE FIRE !  CEASE FIRE ! »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « ATALANTE, take two men with you and check it out ! »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « We'll cover you !»

Sergeant Kurk ATALANTE : « Hans, Karl, be careful ! »

Sergeant Kurk ATALANTE : « GO ! »

Sergeant Kurk ATALANTE : « Here ATALANTE, the man who shot at us has been neutralized!!! »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « We're coming ! »

Sergeant Kurk ATALANTE : « He was well protected... It's true that these little devices will serve us well to retaliate quickly… »

Lieutenant Stanislas  CITIZEN’S : « Yes, but it's always going to be difficult to secure this kind of patrol… »

- End of this Special Edition -

- English Version - 
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