vendredi 4 février 2022

MEDEVAC 1/87 - Season 4 – Episode 2 - English Version


- This story is fiction -

Character names and facts are fictitious.

Any resemblance to actual or actual persons or situations is purely coincidental.

Version Française

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Episode 2 : BOARDING


Summary of the previous episode: As the Russian President leaves a restaurant in Moscow, he walks towards the crowd and says to a man: "Tell him that I agree..." What did the Russian President mean??? And who is this man to whom he addressed ???

Two weeks later, military exercises take place in the Baltic States: Captain Arnold KRUPP, German military doctor, arrived in the Polish military Port of GDNYIA with his unit in a rail convoy.

Indeed, they will carry out a joint exercise with the Americans. And Arnold KRUPP finds his American counterpart, the military doctor John Mac TENROC. Together, they will be present for the unloading of American troop transport tanks from wagons to intervene if necessary...



Link to the next episode

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