mercredi 2 février 2022

MEDEVAC 1/87 - Season 3 - Episode 9 - English Version

- This story is fiction -

Character names and facts are fictitious.

Any resemblance to actual or actual persons or situations is purely coincidental.


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Episode 9 : FIRST AID

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Summary of the previous episode: As a NATO forward command center has lost control of its communications, US combat units, armed with conventional weapons, are given different defense orders.

On the control screens of these units, they see enemies arriving.

And they just got permission to defend themselves.

One of them is about to open fire... It was then that a terrible catastrophe took place: the Americans fired on the German defense column, in which was the German military doctor Arnold KRUPP.

The American unit is in turn targeted by NATO self-propelled guns, located 30 kilometers from their position…



Link to the next episode

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