jeudi 3 février 2022

MEDEVAC 1/87 - Season 3 - Operation BLACK BELL - English Version


- This story is fiction -

Character names and facts are fictitious.

Any resemblance to actual or actual persons or situations is purely coincidental.

Version Française

Version en español

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Discover the adventures of American and German military doctors during exercises in Poland in 2018.
NATO military exercises take place along Polish, Lithuanian, Belarusian and Russian borders, in Europe's most sensitive spot,
"The passage of SUWALKI"
These exercises with different European and American armies aim to show a deployment of force in the face of an intrusion on the territories of Poland and Lithuania. 
  The exercises include mock attacks, 
infantry advances, 
ground medical evacuations, 
or by air, 
heavy repairs, 
and other tactical progressions... 

However, the Russians, to also show their power, also decide to carry out military exercises near the Polish and Lithuanian borders... 
This will increase the tension by transforming NATO exercises into preparation for an invasion intervention... 
And something is about to happen...



Link to the episode 2

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Link to the episode 3

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Link to the episode 7

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 Link to the episode 8

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Link to the episode 9

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Link to the episode 10

>>> by clicking here <<<

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 - Collection "Short Stories in 1/87" -

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English Version
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 currently in French

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 SOS 1/87 - Les Sauveteurs du Quotidien
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