mercredi 2 février 2022

MEDEVAC 1/87 - Season 3 - Episode 3 - English Version

- This story is fiction -

Character names and facts are fictitious.

Any resemblance to actual or actual persons or situations is purely coincidental.


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Episode 3 : OFFENSIVE



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Summary of the previous episode: The start of the first exercise of operation "BOA 2018" has been launched. False invaders, played by Americans, have just been detected by a defense column in which is the German military doctor Arnold KRUPP.


This column has just stopped them by neutralizing an armored vehicle and a truck. The “invaders” took cover behind an abandoned factory.


The German column was hit on one of their tanks. Now, we will have to know what the enemy is doing.

The column commander decides to send scouts to the factory to find them or find out if they are gone.


The rest of this exercise is now.  




Link to the next episode

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