vendredi 28 janvier 2022

MEDEVAC 1/87 - Season 1 - The Afghan Trap - Episode 6 - English Version



- This story is fiction -

Character names and facts are fictitious.

Any resemblance to actual or actual persons or situations is purely coincidental. 


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Summary of the previous episode: The military doctor Mac TENROC and Captain HOLMES have finished the evaluation of the German team.

They return to their base in southern Afghanistan, but they have barely flown 20 minutes when their helicopter is hit by a surface-to-air missile and crashes...

They manage to get out of the helicopter and take refuge in a small fort. Immediately shots rang out, as well as an explosion.

The German base informs them that help has left and will not arrive for another hour. However, an armed drone arrives in the area to help them...



Link to the next episode

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